Trusted by Over 20,000 Businesses

Australian Interstate Freight & Transport Services

Freight Brokers That Deliver Safely, On-Time & Within Budget For The Last 30 Years

Simplify logistics, maximise efficiency.

One invoice, 280+ carriers.

Real-time shipment tracking.

Seamless system integration.

Save money with group buying.

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Simplify your logistics with Australia's trusted freight broker loved by over 20,000 businesses!

Effortless Freight Solutions With A New Consignment Every 2.8 Seconds

If juggling multiple freight carriers and managing various types of shipments across Australia sounds familiar, then it’s time to simplify.

At Freight People, we understand the complexities of handling sensitive medical freight, urgent air shipments, and bulky pallets.

Whatever your freight needs, we’re here to make logistics straightforward and cost-effective.

Customised Freight Management

Single System Simplicity: Use our comprehensive freight management system, tailored to your needs, to quickly compare freight prices across multiple carriers and types of shipments.

One Consolidated Invoice: Forget the hassle of multiple bills. With us, you get one detailed invoice, no matter the number of carriers or shipments.

Consistent User Interfaces: Whether it's your sales team comparing prices, your warehouse staff managing shipments and pickups, or your customer service team tracking deliveries, our platform provides a consistent, user-friendly experience across all departments.

Advanced Integration & Real-Time Insights

Seamless ERP Integration: Our system integrates directly into your ERP, accounting, or warehouse management tools, making all your freight data readily accessible and ensuring you continue using the systems you trust.

Real-Time Dashboard: Monitor all your freight metrics in real time from a single dashboard for comprehensive business intelligence that helps you make informed decisions.

At Freight People, we're working to transform the way organisations work with freight, turning it into a competitive differentiator for your business.

We started out in 1987 helping organisations choose the best freight carrier for the right goods at the best price and have since grown steadily to become a trusted, technology driven freight and logistics broker with a dream to also drive carbon neutrality across our operations.

Our dedicated team and home-grown technology support hundreds of Australian businesses with their logistics and supply chain management as we continue to look for ways to help them compete in a fast-changing world.

We love solving freight challenges, so call us anytime on 1800 621 036 to discuss your specific situation.

Leading our all-Australian team

Mathew Marshall

Managing Director

Leading the Freight People team since 2015, Matthew is a driving force behind the company’s growth and innovation. With extensive experience leading teams in technology and finance, he is also a doting and busy father to 3 young children.

Fiona Marshall


A high regarded Sales & Marketing executive, Fiona has cultivated the customer centric approach at the core of Freight People. Her experience with supply chain technology has seen her challenge the status quo, bringing ideas and new technology to the business.

Paul Nicholson


As the founder of Freight People almost 30 years ago, there is not much Paul doesn’t know about freight. He is highly regarded within the industry and our clients gain tremendous value from his deep freight knowledge, extensive network and experience.

Will it cost me more to use Freight People instead of a carrier?

No. Generally companies are financially better off using a broker. This is through leveraging Freight People’s knowledge of the best carrier for each delivery location, as well as group buying power. Aside from the hard dollar savings, there are a number of soft savings like time efficiency, automation and error reduction.

Can you integrate your freight management software with my ERP software?

We integrate directly with a number of different ERP and accounting systems. You can find more information about our freight management software here.

Will I lose my existing carrier rates and relationships if I work with Freight People?

We work with all the leading carrier’s in Australia and can maintain any existing deals with those carriers through our freight management software. Through our bulk buying power though, we can often find better rates for you and save you money. We then consolidate all those rates through our system so you only have to pay one consolidated invoice with all your freight reconciled.

Who do I call if I have a problem with a carrier or lose a shipment?

You always have a single point of contact within Freight People for any problem regardless of the carrier you’re working with. If we can’t solve the problem, we can escalate and chase things on your behalf as well.

If one of my carriers is unable to operate for any reason, how quickly can I switch to a new carrier?

Different carrier options can be enabled within minutes. Freight People have a relationship with almost all major freight companies in Australia. Our strength is on knowing which carriers to use for what and understand there is always a need for backups. This has become even more prevalent in today’s world of pandemics and cyber security.

Do Freight People have their own trucks?

No, we don’t. We’re not a carrier, we’re a freight broker which means we find the best freight providers and deals for you to meet any of your freight and logistics needs and make it easier for you to manage your freight business.

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